CourseWork : There is no longer a need for public libraries


Libraries who needs them, whats the point of having a library now a days when you’re in the 21st Century. Libraries are just used for reading books, you could use an amazon kindle fire to get any book you need and its easy to use. Libraries are just boring now a days, you really don’t need them at all. Kids wouldn’t like the library because its to old fashioned, why would they be reading in absolute silence when they could be having the best time off their life in the park with their mates.

Look at where we are now and where we were 20 years ago, this world has excelled in everything in a quick amount of time and some things need to be sacrificed for this and it has to be libraries. If every book isn’t on a device the they will try and get every book to be on a device.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This year in the whole world there were 282 million people who visited the library but compared to 322 million in 2010, there was a fall of 12%.










One response to “CourseWork : There is no longer a need for public libraries”

  1. O Wild Avatar
    O Wild

    Hi Aaron,

    Do you have a longer version of this somewhere?
    This is a good start. I think you could extend each of the points you introduce in your introduction into whole paragraphs which develop your argument.
    I like your idea of expressing how the world has changed over the last twenty years and I think you could look further into what libraries contributed to society then and now. Using a statistic is a good way of backing up an argument-think how about you could use this statistic effectively in a paragraph.
    I’d like to see that you’ve worked on developing this piece by the end of the week (16/01).

    Miss Wild
